Service | Incident status | Start Date | End Date |
Cedar | Closed |
Completed - Upcoming Planned Outage - Panne
/scratch has been purged and rebuilt.
Updates have been applied to the system, this also includes an updated Scheduler version.
Thanks for your patience.
Cedar will be undergoing planned maintenance as we rebuild the /scratch filesystem and update the cluster. Any running jobs, as of the start time, will be cancelled, queued jobs are planned to remain queued.
/scratch will be purged completely. Any files you wish to keep, MUST be copied/moved off of /scratch prior to this outage.
Cedar will be unavailable from June 23rd to June 27th. During this maintenance
window, the /scratch filesystem will be completely erased and rebuilt. If you
do not copy or back up the files you need to keep before June 23rd, they will
be lost and impossible to recover. Note that copying files can take a long time.
Please start as soon as possible.
Note that using the “touch” command to avoid periodic purging of /scratch is
considered abuse. It will not prevent this planned purge since the whole filesystem
will be erased.
Cedar sera indisponible du 23 au 27 juin. Pendant cette période, le système de
fichiers /scratch sera reconstruit pour en renforcer la stabilité. Les
fichiers que vous voulez conserver doivent être sauvegardés ou copiés ailleurs
avant le 23 juin, faute de quoi il sera impossible de les récupérer. Puisque
les opérations de copie peuvent nécessiter beaucoup de temps, nous vous
recommandons d’agir au plus tôt.
Notez que l'utilisation de la commande touch pour éviter la purge périodique de
l’espace /scratch est considérée comme étant une pratique abusive et elle
n'empêchera pas la suppression de tout le contenu.
Updated by Adam Spencer on